I've found a case
...stderr: UTF-16 surrogate 0xdb71 at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/IO/Handle.pm line
FastCGI: ... [info] picture size is 55966

55966 = da9e
56177 = db71

So almost the same. Perhaps I have 100 bytes of headers.

2008/5/20 Martin Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> The Content-Type is set to 'UTF-8' for most of my pages, but, in this case,
> it is image/jpeg and the content disposition is set to inline.
> 2008/5/19 Ash Berlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 19 May 2008, at 12:34, Martin Ellison wrote:
>>  I've finally had the opportunity to test my code a bit more. The
>>> $pic_image is a string of some kind and not a file handle.
>>> Also I tried doing binmode STDOUT but this fails --  the binmode call
>>> returns false.
>>> There could be any binary data in my string, so any UTF-8-bad byte pairs
>>> are definitely possible. I would think the solution is to inform Catalyst
>>> that the data is not UTF-8 but binary. In the normal case of writing to a
>>> file, one can use binmode to tell perl that the data is binary but that does
>>> not work here.
>>> Is this a gap in the Catalyst API?
>> Are you by any chance setting a header to something with UTF8 content?
>> I had a problem similar to this that was caused by me setting a
>> Content-Disposition header to something including unicode.
>> -ash
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> --
> Regards,
> Martin
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