<mst> I've put something like that in a sub prepare before now
<mst> we should maybe have a config option to override base
<mst> patches would be welcome :)

Here's an attempt. I've never really hacked on the core before, so please go 
easy. Also I know that POD isn't included, but that's because I can't figure 
out where it belongs. I'll write it, given a place to put it.

Anyway, this is a patch to create a pair of config keys tell 
Engine::CGI "ignore what the server thinks the base path is, and use these 
instead". It's useful in the case that someone has their application 
port-forwarded, load-balanced, proxied, etc. through some sort of device that 
doesn't set X-Forwarded-Host.

How it works: If no config is provided, life continues as it always has. If 
the request is HTTP and $c->config->{override_base_uri} is set, we use that 
as $c->req->base. If the request is HTTPS and 
$c->config->{override_base_uri_secure} is set, we use that as $c->req->base. 
If the request is HTTPS and override_base_uri_secure isn't set, but 
override_base_uri is, we use override_base_uri and switch its scheme to https 
(hopefully it doesn't have a port).

Patch against Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/trunk which I hope is the right thing.

Comments appreciated,
Index: t/unit_engine_cgi.t
--- t/unit_engine_cgi.t	(revision 0)
+++ t/unit_engine_cgi.t	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 5;
+use URI;
+my $http_request = Catalyst::Request->new( { secure => 0 } );
+my $https_request = Catalyst::Request->new( { secure => 1 } );
+$ENV{HTTP_HOST} = "";
+$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/catalyst.fcgi';
+my $context = Catalyst->new( {
+                request => $http_request,
+                namespace => 'yada',
+              } );
+is (
+  Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/pants' )->as_string,
+  '',
+  'Base URI'
+$context = Catalyst->new( {
+                request => $http_request,
+                namespace => 'yada',
+              } );
+$context->config->{override_base_uri} = "";;
+is (
+  Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/pants' )->as_string,
+  '',
+  'Overriden base URI'
+$context = Catalyst->new( {
+                request => $https_request,
+                namespace => 'yada',
+              } );
+$context->config->{override_base_uri} = "";;
+is (
+  Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/pants' )->as_string,
+  '',
+  'Overriden base URI for HTTPS'
+$context = Catalyst->new( {
+                request => $https_request,
+                namespace => 'yada',
+              } );
+$context->config->{override_base_uri} = "";;
+$context->config->{override_base_uri_secure} = "";;
+is (
+  Catalyst::uri_for( $context, '/pants' )->as_string,
+  '',
+  'Overriden base URI for HTTPS'
Index: lib/Catalyst/Engine/CGI.pm
--- lib/Catalyst/Engine/CGI.pm	(revision 8518)
+++ lib/Catalyst/Engine/CGI.pm	(working copy)
@@ -160,11 +160,25 @@
     $c->request->uri( bless \$uri, $uri_class );
     # set the base URI
+    my $base_uri;
+    if (defined $c->config->{override_base_uri_secure} && $c->request->secure) {
+      # Config gives us an override base for HTTPS. Use it directly.
+      $base_uri = $c->config->{override_base_uri_secure};
+    } elsif (defined $c->config->{override_base_uri}) {
+      # Use an overriden base. If we're secure, but there's no separate HTTPS
+      # base URI, then just change the scheme on the standard one.
+      $base_uri = $c->config->{override_base_uri};
+      $base_uri =~ s,^([^:]+)://,${scheme}://,;
+    } else {
+      # Use the server-provided (default) base path.
+      $base_uri = $scheme . '://' . $host . $base_path;
+    }
     # base must end in a slash
-    $base_path .= '/' unless $base_path =~ m{/$};
+    $base_uri .= '/' unless $base_uri =~ m{/$};
-    my $base_uri = $scheme . '://' . $host . $base_path;
     $c->request->base( bless \$base_uri, $uri_class );
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