On Wednesday 04 March 2009 07:52:56 pm Elliot Finley wrote:
> Hello,
>       I'm starting a new web app project that I need to deploy in about
> 2 months.  There will be ongoing updates to this app as time goes by.
> I'm new to catalyst/moose/dbic but a long time Perl hacker.
>       Considering the above, would I be better off starting with 5.71 or
> 5.8?

The 5.7 - 5.8 transition should require little to no rewriting of 
application-level code, so I'd suggest sticking with the released 5.7 for 
serious production. If you're inclined, though, and you have the resources, 
you could set up a box with 5.8000_06 in parallel for testing -- that would 
let you know about any hassles you might have upgrading in the future, as 
well as letting you contribute bug reports on 5.8 to avoid said hassles. :)


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