On Monday 25 May 2009 05:35:45 pm Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Is there any good documentation for Catalyst that is based on Mason?
Catalyst is Perl. Catalyst apps are Perl apps. All the docs you need on Mason 
are in perldoc Mason and all the docs you need on DBI are in perldoc DBI. The 
info you need on how things get glued together is in perldoc 
Catalyst::View::Mason and perldoc Catalyst::Model::DBI.

And incidentally, you're wrong about DBIC. As soon as you get into queries for 
related tables, DBIC will be reducing the amount of code you need to write 
(and the number of potential screwups) tenfold. Then throw in "bonus" features 
like txn_do and the deployment goodies... it ends up being worthwhile pretty 
often ;)


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