On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 04:00:38PM -0700, J. Shirley wrote:
>    The view should just be thin templates, in that regard I would
>    recommend using Catalyst::View::MicroMason
>    (http://search.cpan.org/~jrockway/Catalyst-View-MicroMason-0.05/lib/
>    Catalyst/View/MicroMason.pm) which wraps Text::MicroMason (Mason
>    template syntax without the "framework").

Ew.  If the OP is used to non-trivial Mason -- autohandlers, subcomponents,
methods, etc., all things that are reasonable as part of a templating engine
(i.e. not web framework-related) -- MicroMason isn't really going to be


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