Hi Chris,

Am 24.08.2009 um 04:43 schrieb Chris:

Can you use catalyst::plugin::cache as the backend for the lexicon?
Then refreshing the texts involves clearing the cache, and updates are

I'll have a look at C::P::Cache, but as I use Maketext::Lexikon the cache has to work with that. But your description on refreshing sounds lik a good way :-).


rainboxx Matthias Dietrich
Freier Software Engineer

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rainboxx Matthias Dietrich
Freier Software Engineer

rainboxx                  |  Tel.: +49 (0) 151 / 50 60 78 64
Tölzer Str. 19            |  Mail: m...@rainboxx.de
70372 Stuttgart           |  WWW : http://www.rainboxx.de

XING: https://www.xing.com/profile/Matthias_Dietrich18
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