On 17 Dec 2009, at 00:26, Tom Stall wrote:

There is a lot of Auto-Magical behavior in Catalyst and the helper scripts; or so it seems.

Not really, all the scripts generated have the name of the application buried in them, and then (assuming you're using a checkout) they'll automatically find the lib/ directory by relative paths..

By arbitrarily changing the name of the top level directory, may I have broken any of it? Particularly, the make scripts I will need when I go to actually deploy the app?

No, again this all only cares about the structure below the top.

This system crash, in the big scheme of things, may be a good thing. As it is forcing me to take a crash refresher course on how I got from an initial Catalyst install to the application I have now. Very helpful; when I go to deploy.

Indeed :)

I guess you also found a couple of things missing which weren't listed as dependencies in Makefile.PL?


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