Hello all,

I will be deploying a catalyst app onto several dozens of servers in the
next months, which will probably turn into more than that eventually. 
It is a year in the making, and quite complex in terms of all the things
it requires to run (libraries).

Given that, a PAR distribution file seems like a great way to go.  Yet
my co-worker told me that this has been frowned on as of late-- that
there has been a shift in opinion about deploying cat apps as PARs.

What's the downside of this?  How is this going to pose a problem for
me?  Installing from subversion and then CPANning all the required libs
into the system via the makefile is terribly slow and error prone. 
There's an obvious negative there.  What's the negative with using PAR
when compared to this other method of deployment?

I appreciate the insights of the community.

Thanks, all.

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