On 26/02/10 13:04, Tomas Doran wrote:
On 26 Feb 2010, at 01:34, Toby Corkindale wrote:
On 26/02/10 11:27, Tommy Butler wrote:
What's the downside of this? How is this going to pose a problem for
me? Installing from subversion and then CPANning all the required libs
into the system via the makefile is terribly slow and error prone.
There's an obvious negative there. What's the negative with using PAR
when compared to this other method of deployment?
Secondly, PAR is a nightmare. It's meant to automatically locate all
your dependencies, but in practice this never finds all of them.
Eg. Building a catalyst_par for a fastcgi-based app is broken out of
the box. (It doesn't pick up Catalyst::ScriptRunner)

Patches to require the appropriate modules in Catalyst.pm so that
Catalyst does work out the box would be welcome.

Is requiring the modules in Catalyst.pm the correct way to do this?

I was thinking it'd be in Module::Install::Catalyst, with some automatically-added -M options to par.

Speaking of M-I-C, is there a good reason why STDERR is redirected to /dev/null, as well as __WARN__?

I ask, because it makes debugging catalyst_par builds a PITA.. I always go in and edit MIC to undo that stuff now, and can't see a good reason not to take it out.

I tried to fix this (and made a branch which you'll find in our svn),
but this just made PAR shit itself on my mac, and given I'm not a PAR
user and nobody else was showing any interest, I gave up.

If there is an active PAR user out there who would like to get this
fixed - come chat to someone in #catalyst-dev, as that can totally happen.

I'm trying to checkout the git repo, but despite following http://wiki.catalystframework.org/wiki/contrib I am getting an error when trying to clone http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/catagits/Catalyst-Devel.git

Is the contrib page out of date perhaps? The gitweb still seems to work, but I can't clone from it.


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