I seem stuck with implementing my first view / template.

I have a controller Login.pm

I ran the view helper script 'create view HTML HTML::template'

As per the tutorial I've added the following to the config section of MyApp.pm

    'View::HTML' => {
            #Set the location for templates files
            INCLUDE_PATH => [
                __PACKAGE__->path_to( 'root', 'src' ),

I have created a template in 'root/src/login'  of login.tp

In my controller I have ...

sub login :Path :Args(0) {
    my ( $self, $c) = @_;

    $c->stash(template => 'login.tp');


But all I get is...

Caught exception in Members::View::HTML->process "HTML::Template->new() : 
Cannot open included file login.tp : file not found. at 
C:/Perl/lib/HTML/Template.pm line 1813

I've also tried..

    $c->stash(template => 'login');
    $c->stash(template => 'login/login');
    $c->stash(template => 'login/login.tp');

None of which seem to work?

What am I doing wrong?

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