On 31 October 2012 09:31, Craig Chant <cr...@homeloanpartnership.com> wrote:
> You're misread what I put where?
> It clearly states....
> Edit lib/MyApp/View/HTML.pm and you should see something similar to the 
> following:
>     __PACKAGE__->config(
>         TEMPLATE_EXTENSION => '.tt',
>         render_die => 1,
>     );
> And that's where I put the extension setting?

Yet you claimed in your first message in this thread, to have added:

    'View::HTML' => {
            #Set the location for templates files
            INCLUDE_PATH => [
                __PACKAGE__->path_to( 'root', 'src' ),

"... to the config section of MyApp.pm", and you're being told that's wrong.

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