At 5:30 pm I was scanning the gulls on the red lighthouse jetty on Cayuga
Lake from Stewart Park, Ithaca when a swallow flew through my field of
view.  Pulling back a bit I was able to see at least 4 pale-rumped, chunky
swallows flying with choppy wingbeats high over the jetty.  Given the
distance and backlighting, I wasn't able to discern any plumage details
except for pale rump, dark back and wings, and pale underparts, but they
were clearly Petrochelidon swallows; given the time of year and the recent
weather (strong S/ SW winds), I think it is very likely these were Cave
Swallows.  I watched the birds for about 5 minutes before I lost them
against or behind the trees at Hog Hole/ Treman Marine State Park - the
birds seemed to be heading off the lake and may have gone to roost along
Cayuga Inlet.  I stuck around until after 6:30 pm and did not see them
again; however, among the many Canada Geese that flew in at dusk were 1
Cackling Goose and, even more interestingly, a group of 4 very small Canada
Geese.  It would be nice to get some photos of these little Canadas at some
point; they could possibly represent subspecies parvipes (Lesser Canada
Goose), though identification is murky and the status in the East is very
With winds forecast to swing around NW overnight in Ithaca, lakewatching
could be increasingly good tomorrow.
The previous records of Cave Swallow (all photo documented) that I'm aware
of in the Cayuga Lake basin follow:
1 on 24 Nov 2004 - Stewart Park, Ithaca - Roger Sleeper (
1 on 6 Nov 2007 - Stewart Park, Ithaca - Chris Wood, Tim Lenz, Mike Harvey,
Tom Johnson (
3 on 8 Nov 2007 - Sheldrake Point - Gary Kohlenberg (1 bird lingered until
10 Nov and was seen by many)

Good birding,

Good birding,

Thomas Brodie Johnson
Ithaca, NY
mobile:  717.991.5727


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