Thanks for the eTT info and the idea about messing around with the start of the alphabet. I wonder if someone, rather than simply messing around, started at "A" and got overwhelmed by "B" even though they began trying to submit more or less real observations. When I think about American White Pelicans and American Avocets, I can't help thinking of the several Trumpeter Swans I saw sleeping distantly by various ponds. They are big and white like pelicans, but their heads were hidden, and maybe an observer would not expect a swan in summer here. Also the swans had orange stained necks and faces, somewhat reminiscent of Avocets... I realize that I am putting waaay too much thought into this, but I wonder about the mistakes people can make. BTW today I met someone who studies mental ergonomics, something more to ponder.
At this evening's Horseflies concert on the Arts Quad I was distracted by a flock of Chimney Swifts which eventually grew to about 30. Although I wasn't watching at the crucial time of roosting, they did seem interested in a chimney atop Uris Library, and I think I saw a couple go down it.
--Dave Nutter

On Aug 03, 2012, at 05:28 PM, david nicosia <> wrote:

Well that explains what an "eTT" report is!  Thanks. I did find it
very odd that there were only 5 species listed with no details, times,
or anything to support such rare bird claims. Anyway, agreed
that these two species could be showing up anywhere...there
is an AWPE at Brigantine/Forthysthe now and AMAVs have
been popping up hear and there...there was a report, I believe,
the day after the one we had at the Red Light House Jetty 
at Jamaica Bay.

Good luck to all who are out there today and

From: Jay McGowan <>
Cc: Cayugabirds- L <>
Sent: Friday, August 3, 2012 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] American White Pelican and American Avocet Montezuma Aug 2 2012 - unconfirmed ebird reports

Sorry, my first message got cut off....

No, not the official counters. They only count on Tuesday and Friday. I should be getting their report shortly, and I will advise if it contains anything noteworthy. Montezuma eTT is the eBird Trail Tracker situated at the Audubon Center in Savannah (I think this is the only location, could be wrong about that.) Similar to one here at the Lab, it is a device that allows anyone to submit eBird sightings from that location. It was a good idea, but I see erroneous sightings submitted that way much more than valid interesting sightings, and they often seem to follow the convenience of the alphebtical list, probably contributing to reports of double-digit Acadian Flycatchers at Sapsucker Woods in mid-winter and things like that. In fact, if you look at the list containing the pelican and avocet you will notice that it includes three "American" species and two starting with "B," so I think it's probably safe to conclude this is not a valid list. That said, anything is possible, so definitely keep an eye out if you're in the area.


On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Jay McGowan <> wrote:
No, not the official counters. They only count on Tuesday and Friday. I should be getting their report shortly, and I will advise if it contains anything noteworthy. Montezuma eTT is the eBird Trail Tracker situated at the Audubon Center in Savannah (I think this is the only location, could be wrong about that.) Similar to one here at the Lab, it is a device that allows anyone to submit eBird sightings from that location. It was a

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 11:56 PM, <> wrote:
Bob McGuire & I went to Montezuma NWR this afternoon and evening, also ignorant of these reports. We saw Tim Lenz & Dave Wheeler on East Rd at sunset and neither mentioned these rarities. 

Bob & I drove the Wildlife Drive (Larue's was being plowed when we went past), looked out from the Tschache tower, spent a long time on East Road and on Towpath Road, and also went to Railroad Road and Van Dyne Spoor Road.  Our finds were much like Dave Nicosia's, plus similar shorebirds in the east impoundment on RR Rd, and lots of Red-winged Blackbirds gathering in the evening south of VDS Rd. 

I suspect the report is from the official Montezuma NWR survey, driving the dikes. With vegetation so tall, these birds could have hidden in the back of Tschache Pool, or the farther reaches of May's Point Pool (which we did not check), or even some  part of the Main Pool seen only from the tower which we did not climb. Please, whoever has actual details to confirm or deny my speculation, share them!
--Dave Nutter

On Aug 02, 2012, at 10:09 PM, david nicosia <> wrote:

Just received an ebird alert of both species at Montezuma today. No
details of where or when except that it was today, August 2nd. We certainly 
did not have these two species today but it is a huge area. Wish the report
would have had details on when and where in the wetlands complex. Well,
something for others to  search for next couple days....hope these reports
are indeed confirmed.  

See below....who is Montezuma eTT??? 

Thank you for subscribing to the <daily> Rare Bird Alert for Seneca. The report below shows observations of rare birds in Seneca.  
View this alert on the web at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

American White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) (1)
- Reported Aug 02, 2012 00:00 by Montezuma eTT
- Montezuma NWR, Seneca, New York
- Map:,-76.7562389&ll=42.9833651,-76.7562389
- Checklist:

American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana) (1)
- Reported Aug 02, 2012 00:00 by Montezuma eTT
- Montezuma NWR, Seneca, New York
- Map:,-76.7562389&ll=42.9833651,-76.7562389
- Checklist:

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Jay McGowan
Macaulay Library
Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Jay McGowan
Macaulay Library
Cornell Lab of Ornithology

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