Since our erstwhile Club President wrote this...
Also, just need to make a point here.  I have been told by the front desk at 
the Lab of Ornithology that some people have called in to ask why the bird club 
is not posting more sightings?  I want to make it clear to all that the 
listserve and the bird club are two separate entities that of course have a 
good deal of overlap but still are mutually exclusive.  Plus, it's summer.  
Moving in to Fall migration. So stay tuned!!

...I will post what I saw tonight out in the country in So. Cayuga County on 
Genoa-Venice Townline Road ( the gravel part east of Rt. 34B): A lovely 
Juvenile Wood Duck quietly swimming around in the somewhat-deep, slow-moving 
creek that flows underneath the road there. I saw  a Wood Duck house on a metal 
pole, back in the trees on the opposite side of the road, so somebody out there 
is caring for the Wood Ducks. 
This little wetland area is crowded with beautiful, lush Joe Pye Weed flowers 
and Goldenrods.

Also saw many barn and some tree swallows zooming back and forth all along my 
leisurely rural route this evening.

Donna Scott
NW Lansing

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