One of the confusing things about the eBird name for Kip Island Fields (other than that I too never saw any other reference to it) is that it describes the location as SE of the two highways, whereas maps clearly show the area to be SW of the conjunction of those two roads. I am not immune to making such E v W mistakes or giving confusing directions (I guess it is SW of I-90, but it's W of NYS-90) in emails. The problem I see is the difficulty (impossibility?) of changing the eBird name for the site. At least I don't know how do it for my personal sites let alone for hotspots. 

Other birding hotspots also have been misnamed. For instance, the triangular woods south of Stewart Park is not Fuertes Sanctuary, which refers to the swan pond (note the historical bronze marker). It should instead refer to Renwick Bird Sanctuary or Renwick Wildwood as on the concrete arch. 
--Dave Nutter

On May 13, 2013, at 09:30 AM, Stuart Krasnoff <> wrote:

This is in response to several requests for location info on "Kip's Island Fields" which I had never heard of before Tim Lenz's CayugaRBA of Glossy Ibis and Ruff from there and Jay McGowan's relay to the list.

I was with Gary Kohlenberg last Friday and did not see either rare bird but reported Black-bellied Plover.  I have gotten several requests for location info.   Gary found the site by using Tim Lenz's ebird checklist map info.

Tim Lenz's checklist corresponding to his original report :

has the location of 

"Kip Island Fields (SE of SR 90 & I-90 Thruway), Cayuga County, New York, US "


42.997114, -76.718999‎ or 
+42° 59' 49.61", -76° 43' 8.40

If you are coming from the north go south through the village of Montezuma.  Stay on NYS 90 and run along the thruway and look for the dirt parking area as described below.

If you are coming up from Union Springs on 90 just where it bends to the northeast to run along the Thruway there's a dirt parking area with some heavy equipment parked there.  There's a Refuge sign on a gate.  We  saw distant shorebirds far to the left (est. 500-700 meters off).

Maybe Tim could refine this if it needs any correction.


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