It's fascinating that the Broad-winged Hawks had apparently been roosting together, yet went so many different directions when they took off for the day. I wonder if they were hunting rather than migrating, and whether they would somehow gather again later to roost or migrate.
--Dave Nutter

On Sep 11, 2013, at 10:39 AM, Mark Chao <> wrote:

Late on Monday morning, just when the winds were shifting from northerly to southerly, Tilden and I saw six BROAD-WINGED HAWKS over the Dryden side of Sapsucker Woods.  Two birds flew west quite low over and possibly into the treetops.  Two rose on a thermal and drifted south.  One glided fast and very high on pointed wings straightaway to the south.  One flew east.  Now I am looking forward to seeing what Broad-winged Hawk liftoffs or passages we might see on Friday.

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