My walk to the lake garnered 48 species, including 15 HORNED GREBES (scattered far out on the lake as well as closer to ducks, 3 PIED-BILLED GREBES (near the docks and the distant EARED GREBE when I left), and 1 COMMON LOON. The next biggest surprise among the 16 species of waterfowl was a total of 83 SWANS between the white lighthouse jetty and Stewart Park, feeding and resting along the ice edge, and 80 of which were confirmed TUNDRAS. Only 3 of the swans raised ID questions, one which persistently hid its head, and 2 at the far SE corner of the lake whose wider eye-bill wedge I attributed to the mild heat shimmer, but worth a double-check from closer. Perhaps today's south winds will also make for good viewing.
--Dave Nutter

On Dec 19, 2013, at 01:12 PM, wrote:

EARED GREBE, SW Cayuga Lake scoped from NW Treman lakeshore.
--Dave Nutter
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