If This  follows the pattern of many Eagle Scout projects that lack a 
commitment for maintenance, the trail will be gone in ten years.

Paul Schmitt

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 28, 2015, at 9:38 PM, John and Fritzie Blizzard 
> <job121...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Today I walked along the new "path" along the south side of Mill pond. 
> Needless to say, it left me feeling angry that the scout's mother, who 
> admitted to me that she knew next to nothing about birds & their needs, 
> pushed through their (her) agenda of making the path, DESPITE all the letters 
> you caring, knowledgeable birders wrote. Letters that were polite, filled 
> with suggests & reasons why the path should not be there. 
> This was a mother pushing her shy son into something she thought he/they 
> could do so he could become an Eagle Scout. I understand ...  it's hard to 
> find projects that would earn a merit badge. (The roofless, gazebo with no 
> seats was one.) 
>  I don't know who on the village board gave the final approval or if 
> liability has been considered. I do know that the former mayor who recently 
> resigned, was ready to give immediate approval at that 1st meeting after only 
> the barest of plans were presented. Indeed, there were no real plans 
> presented at the meeting I attended. It was just a proposal with the boy to 
> give more thorough plans at a future date as to what part the village would 
> play & what the boy was to do. Oh, & he proposed erecting a sign about the 
> birds that stop there. 
> So folks, today I did a slow boil as I walked the rough path which still 
> needs a LOT of clearing, leveling, digging out stumps & putting in wood 
> chips. The path is as close as 5' from the water (with no bushes to hide 
> walkers) & as far as 20'. Beware, in places there is poison ivy underfoot & 
> along the path. A beaver has dropped a tree into the water. I was happy to 
> see a catbird in bushes between me & the water. ALL the ducks were at the NE 
> area of the pond. Not unusual but what will it be like when the pond is full? 
> Futile question. 
> Thank you all who tried, as did I, to keep the pond edge & the pond as a safe 
> haven & home for "our" birds.  
> Fritzie   .... 24 yrs. here, loving & enjoying the birds of Union Springs.
> --
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