On the afternoon of 5 January Ann Mitchell & I saw a flock of about 25 
BROWN-HEADED COWBIRDS, males & females, on the shoulder of Fenner Rd near 
NYS-34B, which is in the northwest corner of the Town of Lansing in Tompkins 
County. They were not present during a couple of more recent visits. They were 
first-of-year for both of us. I think the cowbirds wander. Several MOURNING 
DOVES were also on the road shoulder that day, but they flushed separately and 
did remain in the area. We also saw a few HORNED LARKS elsewhere along Fenner 
Road that day, and today we saw some just north of Fenner on Davis Rd. 
--Dave Nutter
PS - Apologies to those who found this message redundant. After I first sent it 
to CayugaBirds-L I realized it was in the form which turns to garbage on some 
people’s email (including Peter’s!) and on the digests and archives, so I this 
time it is in a form that I hope is legible all those ways. I’m trying to get 
in the habit of sending messages to Cayugabirds in this more universally 
readable way, but sometimes I forget. 

On Jan 08, 2016, at 07:30 PM, Peter <> wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Pulled into my driveway today only to see a bunch of cowbirds (both male and 
> females) scurrying around the ground going after spilled feed.  Am wondering 
> if there are any other reports of cowbirds out there.
> Thanks.
> Pete Saracino


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