What a beautiful day to be out. Cold, but nice otherwise.

Is it late to have pied-bill grebes? Daughter, Becky, & I saw one in close at Van Cleef Lake in Seneca Falls this afternoon. Saw about 20 each of hooded & common mergs there along with mallards & gulls & about 300 Canadas. Didn't take time to try to do an exact count as we were headed to the airport to look for the owls. She spotted the newly banded one on a snow pile between the last 2 buildings along the runway & another atop the tallest silo at Lott Farms. One that was in the cornfield along the runway may or may not have been another or could have been the newly banded one, scared by the planes with pilots practicing landing & taking off.

Struck out on the gyrfalcon. Sun was wrong to look for it or the shrike.

We also saw 2 female harriers & 1 male hunting in the field along the runway. Ran out of light to go look for the shrike.

Last Fri. (30 Dec. 2016) when we were leaving the airport & going out on 414 we saw thousands of snow geese overhead heading towards Cayuga Lake. Quite an impressive sight.

This afternoon we noted unknown swans, probably tundras, overhead & on the water between Cayuga & Mud Lock.

Has anyone checked down Genoa way for snowy owls? Becky found three down that way about 3 winters ago.

Water level on Factory St. pond is higher than I've ever seen. Mill pond level is also up. I have seen evidence of sharp teeth of a beaver along Mill. More gadwall are on Mill than we've seen in many yrs.. Redheads are there in increasing numbers along with some buffles & A. wigeon.


Union Springs


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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