None of these birds are new for the basin, but still there seems to have been 
an influx. 

This afternoon I biked to Stewart Park on the Cayuga Waterfront Trail. At the 
west end of the suspension bridge between the end of Pier Rd and Renwick 
Wildwood I saw an Eastern Phoebe. I was pleased but not surprised. I think they 
nest under that end of that bridge. It flew across to Renwick which is also a 
classic place to find an early Phoebe in the trees along Fall Creek. I 
continued and saw 2 more Phoebes crossing Fall Creek back and forth between 
Stewart Park and Jetty Woods. I had to think about whether the 3 sightings 
could have been 1 bird, but I concluded not. When I left Stewart Park I went 
back to Renwick and walked the Fall Creek trail from the boardwalk to the 
railroad bridge. Near the boardwalk I saw six different Phoebes at once in the 
trees at various heights. I think they were finding small insects on the 
flowers of the maple trees. Farther upstream near the Fuertes concrete arch, I 
saw another Phoebe low in the brush beside the trail. I also went out to Jetty 
Woods and saw a Phoebe low in a pine tree nearby on Newman Golf Course.  I 
figure I saw 10 Eastern Phoebes total, most were not near obvious nest sites, 
and none were vocal. It sure seemed like a wave of migration. 

A Bonaparte’s Gull was first reported by Kevin McGowan on Dryden Lake on 30 
March. Today, 1 April, was my first encounter: several were flying low over the 
mud bar just offshore of Stewart Park and apparently picking minute food items 
from the water. One rested among the Herring & Ring-billed Gulls on the mud 
bar, and several rested on the lake. I later walked out to the White Lighthouse 
where I tallied my maximum: 17, mostly resting on the lake. Only one that I saw 
was in breeding plumage, 1 was in transition, 1 was an immature, and the rest 
were winter plumage adults.  

While scanning from the White Lighthouse I noticed first one, then several 
Horned Grebes in breeding plumage to the west of the Red Lighthouse breakwater. 
I kept scanning while trying to stay in the lee of the White Lighthouse. Mainly 
from the Red Lighthouse breakwater to beyond the piling cluster I tallied 33 
Horned Grebes, only 2 of which were in winter plumage. The rest were in 
breeding plumage. I also had a crappy look far to the north among the Horned 
Grebes of 1 similar sized (small) breeding plumage grebe whose neck was black 
and back was reddish and I think must have been an Eared Grebe. I recommend 
looking under conditions which are less windy to reduce scope vibration and 
waves in the way. Also be prepared to bluff your way past 4 pairs of 
territorial Canada Geese. There were also 2 Pied-billed Grebes much closer to 
the east of the White Lighthouse. I don’t know whether these were the same 
birds which I had seen earlier in and near Fall Creek.

The number of Double-crested Cormorants has grown to at least 16 on & near the 
snag in the lake to the east of the White Lighthouse Jetty.

I also saw my first-of-year Field Sparrow beside Pier Rd with some Juncos & 
Song Sparrows (many of which have arrived lately) alongside the weedy, 
leaf-strewn fenceline of the DPW storage area next to the piles of wood chips.  

- - Dave Nutter


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