RBA * New York * Syracuse * April 26, 2021 * NYSY 04. 26. 21 Hotline: Syracuse Rare bird Alert Dates(s): April 19 to April 26, 2021 to report by e-mail: brinjoseph AT yahoo.com covering upstate NY counties: Cayuga, Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge and Montezuma Wetlands Complex (MWC) (just outside Cayuga County), Onondaga, Oswego, Lewis, Jefferson, Oneida, Herkimer, Madison & Cortland compiled: April 26 AT 4:00 p.m. (DST) compiler: Joseph Brin Onondaga Audubon Homepage: www.onondagaaudubon.org #749 Monday April 26, 2021 Greetings. This is the Syracuse Area Rare Bird Alert for the week of April 19, 2021 Highlights: -----------
RED-NECKED GREBE BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON GLOSSY IBIS EURASIAN WIGEON BLACK VULTURE PEREGRINE FALCON GOLDEN EAGLE LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE LAPLAND LONGSPUR EVENING GROSBEAK PINE SISKIN RED CROSSBILL Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge (MNWR) and Montezuma Wetlands Complex (MWC) ------------ The three GLOSSY IBISES have continues for another week at the Main Pool in Montezuma. They were seen as recently as yesterday. No report yet for today. 4/23: A BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON and an EURASIAN WIGEON were seen from the Wildlife Drive. Onondaga County ------------ 4/24: Up to 20 RED CROSSBILLS are still being seen at the intersection of Shakham Road and Herlihy Road in the Morgan Hill State Forest. A RED-NECKED GREBE was seen at Oneida Shores Park in Brewerton. A PEREGRINE FALCON was seen from Rt. 81 in Syracuse near the Loretto Rehabilitation Center. 4/25: 2 BLACK VULTURES were seen from Shakham Road in the Morgan Hill State Forest. A PINE SISKIN was seen o Harrington Ave in Syracuse. Derby Hill Bird Observatory ------------- 3,077 hawks were counted at Derby this week with BROAD-WINGED HAWKS making up the majority. One GOLDEN EAGLE and one SANDHILL CRANE were seen. Oswego County ------------ 4/19: A LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL was seen at Brietbeck Park in Oswego. 4/21: 3 SANDHILL CRANES were seen at the Prior Road wetlands north of Phoenix. 4/24: A LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL and a GLAUCOUS GULL were found at the Sandy Pond Outlet on Lake Ontario. 2EVENING GROSBEAKS were seen on Albion Road south of Rt. 104. 4/25: A RED-NECKED GREBE was seen on Oneida Lake from Mill Street in Constantia.. A PEREGRINE FALCON was seen at Sunset Bay Park on Lake Ontario. An extremely rare LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE was spotted on Toad Harbor Road south of Rt. 49 in Hastings. Unfortunately the bird could not be relocated. Madison County ------------ EVENING GROSBEAKS continue daily at a feeder on Hawes Road on the Eaton Reservoir. Oneida County ------------ 4/22: A LAPLAND LONGSPUR was seen north of Waterville. A COMMON REDPOLL was seen on Brown Tract Road in Remson. 4/25: A COMMON REDPOLL was seen at a feeder on Jug Point Road east of Oneida Lake.A PINE SISKIN was seen on coleman Mills Road south of Rome. Herkimer County ------------ 4/19: A PEREGRINE FALCON was seen from the McDonald’s in Little Falls. 4/20: EVENING GROSBEAKS were at a feeder in Dolgeville. 4/21: A PINE SISKIN was seen at a feeder at the corner of Albany Road and Soncody Road south of West Winfield. 4/22: EVENING GROSBEAKS were at a feeder in Salisbury Center. COMMON REDPOLLS were at a feeder in Dolgeville. ----End Report Joseph Brin Baldwinsville NY Region 5 -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm ARCHIVES: 1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html 2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds 3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html Please submit your observations to eBird: http://ebird.org/content/ebird/ --