On Sun, Jun 20, 2021 at 6:38 PM Nancy Cusumano <nancycusuman...@gmail.com>

> I have been thinking about this too. And to me the issue is, what is in it
> for the farmer? If we are going to ask them to cut their fields up to go
> around nesting sites, is the bird conservation issue enough for them? What
> is the carrot, I guess is my question. I don't know the answer.

The carrot question is a challenging one, and not one I'm prepared to
address, but I think of it as an independent problem.

I'm working on the assumption that some farmers, either via some form of
persuasion or just from their own love of nature, would be interested in
not killing nestlings. We've heard allusion to at least two such farmers in
recent posts. But as of today, these farmers do not have any workable
solution other than a loosy-goosy guideline of "wait til July to mow"
which, as others have explained, is often not compatible with their harvest
constraints. The volunteer surveyor's corps, if it can be successfully
materialized, would be an option for those farmers to try something
different. The idea would not be for the corps to go around trying to
convince farmers to do this or that, but to be available as a resource for
those who desire it.



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