The Syracuse Christmas Bird Count occurred on Saturday, 18 December.
observers encountered 84 species – 10 more species than the 30-year average
of 74 species/year.  It was a very wet day and thus overall numbers were
down.  The most noteworthy sighting was of *one female Pine Grosbeak* at
Green Lakes State Park (last encountered on the Syracuse CBC 14 years ago).
 Also, two Northern Shrikes were encountered – one at Green Lakes and the
other along the west shore of Onondaga Lake.

Canada Goose                         2038

Mute Swan                              20

Tundra Swan                           32

Gadwall                                   4

American Wigeon                   3

American Black Duck              10

Mallard                                   377

Northern Pintail                      1

Redhead                                  210

Ring-necked Duck                   2

Greater Scaup                         6

Lesser Scaup                           4

White-winged Scoter              5

Bufflehead                              27

Common Goldeneye               11

Hooded Merganser                 27

Common Merganser               14

Red-breasted Merganser        2

Wild Turkey                             69

Common Loon                        2

Pied-billed Grebe                    2

Red-necked Grebe                  1

Double-crested Cormorant    93

Great Blue Heron                    3

Northern Harrier                     2

Sharp-shinned Hawk               3

Cooper’s Hawk                        6

Bald Eagle                               10

Red-tailed Hawk                     39

American Coot                        15

Bonaparte’s Gull                     1

Ring-billed Gull                       636

Herring Gull                            22

Great Black-backed Gull         11

Rock Pigeon                            1302

Mourning Dove                       384

Eastern Screech-Owl              3

Great Horned Owl                  3

Snowy Owl                              1

Belted Kingfisher                    5

Red-bellied Woodpecker        51

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker        2

Downy Woodpecker               65

Hairy Woodpecker                  22

Northern Flicker                      30

Pileated Woodpecker             7

American Kestrel                    2

Merlin                                     3

*Northern Shrike                     2*

Blue Jay                                   127

American Crow                       8100

Fish Crow                                1

Common Raven                      9

Black-capped Chickadee         323

Tufted Titmouse                     87

Red-breasted Nuthatch          12

White-breasted Nuthatch      64

Brown Creeper                       3

Winter Wren                           6

Marsh Wren                            3

Carolina Wren                         9

Golden-crowned Kinglet         6

Ruby-crowned Kinglet            1

Eastern Bluebird                     3

Hermit Thrush                         1

American Robin                      132

Gray Catbird                            1

Northern Mockingbird            5

European Starling                   4081

Yellow-rumped Warbler         2

American Tree Sparrow          191

Dark-eyed Junco                     164

White-throated Sparrow        180

Song Sparrow                          26

Swamp Sparrow                      1

Chipping Sparrow                   *cw*

Northern Cardinal                   230

Red-winged Blackbird             53

Common Grackle                    4

Brown-headed Cowbird         1

*Pine Grosbeak                        1*

House Finch                            111

Pine Siskin                               1

American Goldfinch                217

House Sparrow                       364


*Jason Luscier*

Associate Professor

Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Le Moyne College

Syracuse, NY 13214


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