The November meeting of the Cayuga Bird Club will be tonight at 7:30 at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (new auditorium space). Fred Leff, Environmental Educator, Seneca Meadows Inc. and Montezuma Audubon Center will present "Everything you ever wanted to know about Sandhill Cranes but were afraid to ask". Fred was able to go to Rowe Sanctuary in Nebraska, where hundreds of thousands (maybe a million) of Sandhill Cranes migrate through every March to very early April. He will discuss some of the biology of Sandhill Cranes, their migration patterns, why the area around Rowe Sanctuary is perfect for Sandhill Cranes in migration, and conservation efforts that are done to keep the cranes returning every year. There will be a speaker dinner with Fred at Sumo Restaurant at 5:30 pm before the meeting. Please rsvp to by noon today so reservations can be made. Sunday afternoon there were 32 Sandhill Cranes "hanging out" at the Montezuma NWR Visitor Center and we would enjoy hanging out with you tonight at our meeting. Colleen RichardsCorresponding SecretaryCayuga Bird Club Cayuga Bird Club meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, September through June, and are free and open to the public. In-person meetings start with social time at 7:00pm, the reading of the bird list at 7:20pm, and club business at 7:30pm, followed by the speaker's presentation starting around 8:00pm and ending by 9:00 pm. --
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