On 11 July 2012 21:05, Boie, Andrew P <andrew.p.b...@intel.com> wrote:
> However any invocation of ccache where this is used in the GCC command line
> results in "Unsupported Compiler Option" with ccache 3.x:
> [...]
> ccache 2.x seems OK with this, but is probably computing incorrect command
> line hashes since it's not diving into the file to see the command line
> options within.

Right, ccache 2.x is flawed because it complely ignores "@" arguments.
Correct (but defensive, as in "disable ccache") handling was added as
a bug fix in ccache 3.x.

> Any advice for getting around this?

Nothing other than implementing support for "@" arguments. It should
be fairly easy; patches are welcome!

-- Joel
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