Hi Emanuel,

I have just talked with Andre Mulato regarding this issue (we worked
together some years ago! hehe).

I have already seen this warnings before when I made an upgrade from 4.2 to
6.1.x, but the DMA could be restored without problems, even with these
warnings. I still have the warnings and errors logs here for that
particular DMA, and I do see the same message as you:

Warning: Numplan (NULL) for User linhara1 is invalid. Ignoring the user
Condition: Primary Extension for this user is invalid. It does not exist in
the database

Solution: Please ensure that the user is associated with a valid primary

When you generate the tar file, you have a file inside called
DMAResult.txt. Do you have any errors in there?
In mine I have:
Validation = Success with Warnings

So I think the Warnings are not a big deal... maybe you have to fix one or
other thing manually, but you will still be able to import the DMA to the
new system.
Didn't you get an error (not warning)? I can see the only error you got was
that one on FAC table, but I think you have already solved that by removing
special characters, right?

I remember that when I made this upgrade, TAC suggested me to use the DMA
version 6.1.3 or 6.1.5. He said 6.1.2 had a bug and the import would fail.
So maybe it is a bug with the version you are using. Why don't you try to
use 6.1.5 and import it to a CUCM 6.1.x? And then upgrade it to 8.5?

Here are useful links provided by TAC when I made this upgrade:


DMA user guide to DMA 6.1.3, but you can follow the exact same steps for


Additional info regarding DMA 6.1.5:


Hope that helps...



On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Ki Wi <kiwi.vo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Maybe there's better way but I would have staged it in lab environment.
> I have seen first error before but can't really remember how to resolved
> it. All I remember is some name with - or _ might not work. You might want
> to verify or just remove the device association under this user as well
> which is what the error message suggest.
> Basically after you try out, you need to run DMA again to see whether that
> certain error message goes away for that specific phone/user. I did
> manually fix before but that time was for 100+ users before.
> That was like 3 to 4 years ago since I encountered this type of issue.
> Surprising I have done > 10 such upgrade, only one customer I encounter
> this.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Pls pardon my fat fingers.
> On 8 Feb, 2012, at 9:42 PM, Emanuel Damasceno <aedamasc...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hello Expert.
> First I'd like to say this is not CCIE related. I decided to post it here,
> because the majority of us work with voice, and we might help each other.
> I received a project a few months ago where I have to upgrade from CUCM
> 4.1.3 to 8.5. There is no upgrade straight through 8.5. I have to go first
> to 7.X and then to 8.5.
> This customer has one big structure, where there is 1 CUCM Pub and 5
> Subscribers. He also got 6 Gatekeepers and over 5k devices. Needless to say
> this customer has thousands of users, route patterns, partitions, CSSs etc.
> As I run DMA on the Publisher server, I receive a lot of warnings like the
> ones shown below:
> *02/01/2012  12:31:49
> Warning: Device or DeviceProfile=001ef7297af9 for user=3028541 not found
> in the database.
> Condition: The Device found in the directory does not exist in the database
> Solution: Please verify that the user is associated to a valid device or a
> device profile. Please add the mentioned device or device profile through
> CCM Admin pages or manually delete this value from the users CCN profile
> *That's just one of the thousands I get with the same message. Now,
> another couple thousand of these:
> *
> 02/01/2012  12:36:18
> Warning: Numplan (NULL) for User 3008935 is invalid. Ignoring the user
> Condition: Primary Extension for this user is invalid. It does not exist
> in the database
> Solution: Please ensure that the user is associated with a valid primary
> extension/numplan*
> And another couple thousand of these:
> *
> Row: 4705 SQL error: -746(37129)
>    Error executing "update FACInfo set Name='Aloísio Flávio'
> where pkid='2a07d93d-d281-412a-a066-ff9e28edd14a'": [Informix][Informix
> ODBC Driver][Informix]Unspecified System Error =  -746. sqlerrm(37129)
>       Name                          Aloísio
> Flávio
>       AuthorizationLevel            0
>       Code                          925046
>       pkid
>  2a07d93d-d281-412a-a066-ff9e28edd14a     NOT MODIFIABLE
> Table: PhoneButton                         2012-02-01 16:09:22*
> So, after a long time waiting for Cisco to give us an idea of how to
> handle this (they haven't answered us yet), our customer decided that he
> wants everything built from the ground up. I just wanted to ask you guys
> what would be the best way to extract over 50k entries. I know I will have
> to be using Excel for this, but has anybody ever done this that way? We
> tried doing many things, we modified many things, we removed special
> characters (that's what cause the 3rd error), but we are always haunted by
> it. I installed Visual Studio on Publisher and started tweaking a few
> entries on SQL DB, but no luck.
> What I need is to remove its DB contents and use Excel to BAT it to CUCM
> 8.5. We don't have any spare time anymore to try fixing the problem with
> CUCM 4.1.3. We already received the UCSs, and I already installed the whole
> system in it. It's just waiting for the contents so we can pull the plug on
> CUCM 4.1.3 by the end of Feb.
> I am throwing the towel because I need to solve this ASAP so I can go back
> to my studying. My exam is next month, and this project is my LAST until my
> exam... HELP! :)
> Thanks in advance*
> Emanuel Damasceno*
> CCNP Voice
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