It seems very fact almost impossible. You still have 3 correct molecules
I wonder if there is some error in the coordinate file?
Errors I make are:

leaving and end record, between 2 parts. - many programs stop reading coordinates at the first END

leaving CRYST1 and SCALE cards in the middle of the file..
Getting the CRYST record wrong somewhere - REFMAC does not seem to check that the cell dimensions are consistent


Yanming Zhang wrote:
Dear all,

I am sorry to trouble you again because I am facing a very weird situation:

Three copies from Phaser are the right solutions based upon:
1, Rfree 42% R 39%
2, No packing clash
3, The packing within the 3 makes good sense
4, Density evenly distributed among the 3 copies even without NCS

Then fix these 3, asking Phaser to find one more (here I adopt the strategy one copy at a time). Phaser did find one more, So now I have 4 copies in total.

Using the phase calculated from the previous 3 copies(because Rfree 42%), the 4th copy can exactly match one junk of the density, even the side chain matchs, demonstrating the 4th copy is correct.

Checking the crystallographic packing, The density which the 4th occupies, is an extra density which did not account for by the previous 3 copies or their symmetry mates.

No Clash exists

Then I use the 4 copies to do the refinement, forseeing that there will be a huge Rfree drop from 42% because I account for the extra density using the 4th copy. BUT TO MY SURPRISE, THE RFREE INCREASE TO 65%.

Can you teach me what is going wrong? Thank you

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