In cases like this I use the S atoms to calibrate the peak height.
Of course it isnt definitive a) it is near the noise level, and b) peak height is very dependent on B factor..
But the ratio might distinguish between an atom with an f" of 1.3 or f"=2.8


David Briggs wrote:
Dear all.

I have recently solved a structure in-house, 2.8A, CuKa.
I have a metal ion bound very obvious hepta-valent co-ordination, which would suggest either Ca or Mn. Neither was present in the crystallisation setup, but there was some Mg around, which has contaminants of both Ca & Mn. At 2.8A, I don't really think I can reliably discriminate between 2.15A & 2.36A distances to coordinating atoms ( <>). The B factors for refined Ca are 18, and Mn 30. The B-factors of coordinating atoms vary from... 18 > 30 - so no help there.

I have a nice clear 6sigma anomalous difference peak, but then, according to both Ca (f" ~1.3) and Mn (f" ~2.8) scatter anomalously at that wavelength.

The obvious solution is go to a synchrotron and scan around the Mn edge and see what happens, however, whilst waiting for beam time, is there any way I could... oh I don't know, use the peak in my anomalous difference Fourier to figure out what anomalous signal would be required to generate a peak of that size - a sort of back-transform???

Is this do-able, and if so, how would one go about it?



David Briggs, PhD.
Father & Crystallographer <>
iChat AIM ID: DBassophile
Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. - Douglas Adams

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