P Hubbard wrote:
Thanks for the e-mail. The current results of the survey would certainly put you in the minority! Stereo graphics are not dead after all.

I have used systems with and without stereo graphics. I personally prefer them, and think they are great for helping newbies refine, and for non-structural biologists and students to look at molecular architecture. It seems a lot of other people, for whatever reason, like them too.

... not only newbies - I think, I could hardly live without stereo in crystallography! Structures _are_ 3D and looking to them in 3D makes all tasks for a crystallographer much easier, from initial model building to trying to understand the final structure.

Best regards,



Dirk Kostrewa
Paul Scherrer Institut
Biomolecular Research, OFLC/110
CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Phone:  +41-56-310-4722
Fax:    +41-56-310-5288

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