Dear all,

I want to bring two crystallographic wikis to your attention, asking for your contribution:

1) CCP4 user community wiki:

This wiki was planned by Tassos and me, and Artem and Clemens joined us lately. Unfortunately this has almost no contents so far, but we hope that people who post answers on the CCP4 mailing list will take the time and compose/edit the corresponding articles of the wiki. The intention is that the wiki will capture the breadth of topics on CCP4BB, which will make it a useful resource e.g. for "frequently asked questions", offloading some of the question/answer traffic on CCP4BB to a more permanent mode of storage.

2) XDSwiki:
for XDS users. This has quite a bit of information already. The purpose of this wiki is to provide an accurate resource for XDS users, and to provide explanations and hints for the successful use of XDS. It has Tips and Tricks for XDS usage, explanations of its output, and recommendations for the parameters in XDS.INP (if it appears useful to deviate from their defaults).

Hoping that these wikis will be useful, and that many people contribute!

Kay Diederichs
Kay Diederichs      
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Tel +49 7531 88 4049 Fax 3183
Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Box M647, D-78457 Konstanz

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