Hello everyone,

I am working on the structure of a protein-DNA complex with 2 mol/ASU. Data are to 2.8A and the symmetry appears to be orthorhombic (P212121; a=42.280 b=113.340 c=134.670) I solved the structure by moleculare replacement using the coordinates of the protein in phaser. I got relative good density for the DNA and started building for the DNA for one protein molecule and gave the model back to phaser. The statistics for the solution are very good (RFZ=16.7 TFZ=27.8 PAK=0 LLG=820 RFZ=14.9 TFZ=42.9 PAK=0 LLG=2215 LLG=2215). My problem is now that the ends of the DNA strands of the two complexes in the asu are crashing by overlapping almost perfectly as well as with the symmetry related molecules. So instead of beeing able to fit in a 15mer, which was used in the crystallisation, I only can fit in maybe an 8mer (which is also not making really sense DNA-sequence wise). I tried reindexing to klh and lhk but same problem.

Has anyone an idea how to solve this?

Thanks a lot for your help!


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