... your protein is the dream of any NMR spectroscopist. Small and ultra-soluble.

Maybe just do the structure by NMR? It should be totally straightforward for any NMR lab.


On May 13, 2008, at 18:16, Jennifer Han-Chun Tsai wrote:


This topic is not related to CCP4. I am having problem of crystallizing one protein. It's a pretty small protein with size around 15kDa. I have stock concentration around 100mg/mL. Crystallization plates I set up are with concentration of 10mg/mL, 30mg/mL and 50mg/mL. All the plates had been set up at least one week. Only around 5 wells per plate or less formed precipitation. The rest of wells are pretty clear still. Is there any suggestion for reducing protein solubility or increasing the chance of getting crystals?

Thanks for your time,

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