Hi Amit,

Dr. Dauter has several excellent papers about solving crystal structures with halide ions. Use this search string in PubMed (without the quotes) to retrieve them: "dauter [AUTH] AND halide". The anomalous signal of iodide can be detected using a home x-ray source but the anomalous signal of bromide generally requires a synchrotron source.

Good luck,

Eric Larson, PhD
MSGPP Consortium
Department of Biochemistry
Box 357742
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195

On Thu, 25 Sep 2008, amit sharma wrote:

Dear CCP4bbers,
I have a protein molecule(~9.0 kDa) that crystallized in the presence of
0.15M KBr and HEPES pH 7.0. Since there is no homologuous structure present,
I intend to perform heavy metal derivatization. I read some literature which
suggested that I could carry out quick soak with 0.5M Sodium iodide. I was
wondering if I could soak my crystals with a similar concentration of NaBr
and collect some low resolution data at the in-house source? In addition
should I try to also introduce other heavy metals? it might be worth
mentioning that my protein carries no methionine/cys residues.
I have no prior experience in doing this. So, it would  be of great help if
I could be directed towards literature/protocols pertaining to this. Any
advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Amit Sharma

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