If experience from intrinsic zinc is ok, I'll add my two cents.

> trying). I would be happy to hear about Se-Met cases, and data
> collection strategies (2wl vs. 3wl MAD vs. SAD, etc.) and phasing
> methods used in these cases, or references of them. Again, no other

Bert already mentioned collecting in wedges for SAS, so I'll add to the
chorus there.  For dispersive differences, wedges (20 degrees at inf, 20
at rmt) helps a great deal for some of our crystals as well.

> P.S. I would also appreciate the specific query type for searching the
> PDB on the web for phasing method (MR, MAD, SAD, MIR, etc.).  They seem
> to have everything under the sun searchable, but I cannot find this one.

Last time I emailed the RCSB about this (a few years back), it wasn't
possible to search by phasing method.  You can try using advanced search
-> keyword search -> advanced and doing a full text search, but this is
somewhat less than ideal.  To be fair though, I suspect relatively few
people searching the PDB are concerned about the phasing method used.


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