A post-doctoral position is available at the Department of Biochemistry,
University of Oulu, Finland, in the group of Dr. Petri Kursula. Our work
aims at a comprehensive structure-function characterization of the various
myelin-specific proteins that play roles in the development and
functioning of the vertebrate nervous system.

The work will include recombinant expression and purification of
challenging myelin protein targets and their biochemical, biophysical, and
structural characterization. The methods used will include
crystallography, scattering methods, and protein-protein interaction

The suitable candidate is experienced in molecular biology and protein
purification, experience with membrane proteins is a definite plus. A keen
interest in structural biology is required, as is the ability to work both
independently and as a part of a team. Fluency in English and good
communication skills are required. The candidate is not afraid to work
towards a long-term goal in a challenging project.

The University of Oulu is one of the largest universities in Finland, and
the Department of Biochemistry harbours a number of research groups and a
complete infrastructure for structural biology. Ample beamtime is
available at European infrastructures for data collection.

Applications should be sent by email to Petri Kursula
(petri.kurs...@oulu.fi) by May 12th 2010, and should include a CV,
publication list, and the contact details of 2-3 referees. More details on
the project can be obtained from www.biochem.oulu.fi/kursula, and informal
queries are welcome.

Petri Kursula, PhD
Academy Research Fellow (Academy of Finland)
Group Leader and Docent of Neurobiochemistry (University of Oulu, Finland)
Visiting Scientist (CSSB-HZI, DESY, Hamburg, Germany)

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