Mosflm integrates them (profile-fitted overloads) but flags them. Pointless 
uses them for systematic absence tests. Scala by default ignores them, but you 
can include them if you want: this is not normally recommended since they are 
pretty inaccurate (look in the "Excluded data" tab of ccp4i/Scala)

If you are merging strong & weak datasets it should do the right thing, I think.


On 7 Jun 2010, at 15:09, Simon Kolstoe wrote:

> Dear CCP4bb,
> I was wondering if someone could tell me how mosflm and scala deal with 
> overloaded reflections. From my understanding mosflm extrapolates the 
> overloaded peaks but then scala throws them out completely - is this right?
> If so am I right to not worry about "contamination" from extrapolated peaks 
> when combining high and low resolution datasets from the same crystal?
> Thanks
> Simon

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