Hello everyone,

Thank you very much for giving me such a valuable information. I will try one 
one each suggestion and then ask again if i feel more problem. 

thanks & regards
Sadaf Iqbal
PhD Scholar
ICCBS, University of Karachi, Pakistan.
& Visiting Scientist
University of Hamburg, Germany.

From: "Sanishvili, Ruslan" <rsanishv...@anl.gov>
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2011 1:22:14
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] disulfide bridge in red density

Hi Sadaf,

Most likely you are dealing with radiation damage. If that's the case, you 
need to refine occupancies as Mario has already suggested. However, you may not 
find a double conformation. Instead, you may find that some of your sulfurs are 
There is a ton of publications on this topic, take a loo.

If you have high enough redundancy, you may be able to use only the part of the 
data, collected at the beginning. This would have suffered less from radiation.
You can also use "zero dose extrapolations" - look up Diederichs' and Borek's 
Good luck!

-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of sadaf iqbal
Sent: Sun 3/6/2011 12:57 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] disulfide bridge in red density

Hello everyone,

Recently, i have solved a protein structure at 1.3 Å resolution. I have 
encountered one problem in this structure while refining in COOT. There are 
three disulfide bridges in my structure and if i used 2.0 Å resolution range in 
refmac then the density around disulfide bridges is ok but if i used 1.3 Å 
resolution range in refmac then red density is appeared along with blue one. 

anybody help me in this regard? I already played by increasing temperature 
factor of sulfur atoms but red density is still there.

Thanks in advance

Sadaf Iqbal
PhD Scholar
ICCBS, University of Karachi, Pakistan.
& Visiting Scientist
University of Hamburg, Germany.

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