Dear Hailiang

There are several protein-sugar and sugar-sugar link defined in the standard 
refmac library.

You may try running refmac with the default options with the input pdb file in 
- sugar residues included,
- no LINK record are specified.

If all required links are in the refmac's library, the refinement will work,
and the output PDB will contain the LINK records, e.g.
LINK        C1   NAG A1539                ND2  ASN A 341                NAG-ASN
LINK             NAG A1539                     NAG A1540                BETA1-4
MODRES      NAG A 1539  NAG-b-D                                         RENAME
MODRES      NAG A 1540  NAG-b-D                                         RENAME

In the log file you will see:
  WARNING : link: NAG<-->NAG is without link_id
            link will be created with covalent bond only. Bond=     1.430
  WARNING : link:NAG-ASN  is found dist =     1.427 ideal_dist=     1.439
            ch:AA   res: 341  ASN      at:ND2 .->Aj   res:1539  NAG      at:C1  
  WARNING : link:BETA1-4  is found dist =     1.430 ideal_dist=     1.439
            ch:Aj   res:1539  NAG      at:O4  .->Ak   res:1540  NAG      at:C1  
The last two warnings actually mean that everything is fine.
Ignore the first warning, as it is overridden by the third one.

All the best

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