Hi Edward:

Actually as I mentioned in the original thread, I have 2 proteins, and
wanted to randomly put the smaller one around the larger one, and quickly
tell whether there is some steric clashes. The smaller protein has a
radius about 20A, and therefore I plan to generate a mask around the
larger protein with a probe radius of 20A, and if I random select a point
falling inside this mask, I won't even give it a try for the smaller
protein. (I need to generate huge amount of conformations and trying to
save time for steric clash judgment).

Anyway, I will try MAMA as you suggested, and see how it work.

Thanks again for your effort!

Best Regards, Hailiang

> Do you really want atomradius 20A?
> Molecules separated by 40 A atomcenter to atomcenter will
> be in contact, exclude solvent? Maybe you should tell us what you
> are trying to do?
> Using fft mode atommap to make a protein mask you could use a
> low threshold when converting map to mask, which would expand the
> atoms somewhat, but not to 20A.
> The uppsala program mama lets you make a protein mask with
> setting the atom radius. It has all kind of other neat tools
> which may be useful for whatever you are trying to do.
>   http://xray.bmc.uu.se/usf/mama_man.html
> ########################################
> #Make a mask in ref cell, grid, etc:
> setenv MASKSIZE  4573536
> setenv MApSIZE  4573536
> mama -b <<eof
> new Cell     170.900   181.400   240.200    90.000    90.000    90.000
> new Grid     168       168       240
> new radius 2.0
> new pdb m1 ref.pdb
> smooth m1 10
> smooth m1 10
> smooth m1 10
> island m1
> fill m1
> write m1 ref.msk
> eof
> I think the Uppsala mask format is different from the ccp4 one, but that
> it is easy
> to convert.
> Hailiang Zhang wrote:
>> Hi Edward:
>> Yes, this is really a good way to do it. Now I am trying to generate a
>> solvent map using CCP4 sfall (MODE ATMMAP). The thing is I want to
>> specify
>> a large probe radius (~20A), but it seems that sfall can't change the
>> probe radius at all. Do you know any other tools to do that?
>> Thanks again for your time!
>> Best Regards, Hailiang
>>> Hailiang Zhang wrote:
>>>> Thanks Edward! Actually Areaimol works well for my problem.
>>>> But now I have a new issue looking for some advice. I want to randomly
>>>> generate some points in the unit cell and make a quick judgment
>>>> whether
>>>> it
>>>> is outside of the solvent mask or not. It seems that Areaimol doesn't
>>>> help
>>>> at this point, and wonder whether some others tools in CCP4 can help
>>>> to
>>>> make it.
>>> Convert solvent mask to a map, exress the random points as dummy atoms
>>> in
>>> a
>>> pdb file, and see reent thread on "program to calculate electron
>>> density
>>> at x,y,z"
>>> for methods to print out density at arbitrary points in a map.
>>>> Thanks again for your help!
>>>> Best Regards, Hailiang
>>>>> Areaimol is good for determining the contact area from the difference
>>>>> you
>>>>> mentioned. If you want to distinguish real clashes from comfortable
>>>>> van-der-Waals
>>>>> contacts, you can use pdbdist3:
>>>>>   http://sb20.lbl.gov/berry/for/pdbdist3.for
>>>>> The two molecules have to be in separate pdb files. You give a
>>>>> threshold distance. For every atom in the first structure, every
>>>>> atom in the second structure that is closer than the threshold
>>>>> distance
>>>>> results in printing out the pair of atoms and the distance separating
>>>>> them.
>>>>> this gives a list of all contacts within the threshold distance.
>>>>> For v-d-w contacts are around 3.4 A, H-bonds 2.7, and anything
>>>>> closer than 2.0 could be considered a serious clash.
>>>>> Hailiang Zhang wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have 2 rigid and fixed proteins and want to quickly judge whether
>>>>>> there
>>>>>> are some steric clashes. One quick way I am thinking is using CCP4
>>>>>> AREAIMOL to calculate the surfaces of each individual protein as
>>>>>> well
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> the heterodimer, and check whether the sum of the two individual
>>>>>> surfaces
>>>>>> is larger then the dimer. I am wondering whether I can get some
>>>>>> advices
>>>>>> about this method.
>>>>>> I also know there must be some other tools to quickly do it since
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> kinda a simple docking problem, and I appreciate if suggested some
>>>>>> more
>>>>>> direct methods.
>>>>>> Finally, I am also wondering whether AREAIMOL considers the
>>>>>> assymetric
>>>>>> unit during calculation.
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Hailiang

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