Hi everyone,
I have been trying to crystallize Fab:antigen complex( 50kda:90kDa) complex
and initially got needle clusters which after microseeding gave me single
crystals but they are very small and I could not repeat the results. I have
been using HEPES buffer at pH 6.8 to do the final SEC purification step of
the complex before setting trays.
I was wondering whether there are some other buffers (that one could suggest
eg tris-hcl etc) which have given decent positive results when crystallizing
Fab complexes.Though I have gone through individual papers (case by case) to
get some idea, It would be great if anyone could direct me to a
comprehensive literature towards studying the crystatllization conditions of
Fab complexes.
 Equally, people who have considerable experience could suggest a list of
must do steps for such problems which have routinely been practiced in their

Also what is a good storage condition for the excess complex that you want
to use later?

I would really appreciate any suggestion,help, direction.


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