Well, perhaps it is because size exclusion chromatography is used so
little in the life sciences؟, and who really cares how it works


On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 3:18 PM, Matthew Franklin <mfrank...@nysbc.org> wrote:
> On 2/7/12 4:02 PM, Jacob Keller wrote:
>> Dear CCP4BB,
>> this is perhaps my most egregious off-topic post, but can anyone
>> explain why the following reference is not findable in PubMed? I can
>> get it from the ACS website, but not on PubMed or elsewhere. The
>> journal is on PubMed--is it perhaps because it's funded by ExxonMobil?
>> Very strange...
>> Jacob
> Hi Jacob -
> PubMed isn't universal - its goal is to cover the biomedical literature, so
> articles on the margins, like organic chemistry, materials science (even
> crystallography!) aren't fully covered.  If you look at PubMed's total
> coverage of the journal Macromolecules, you'll see that it's extremely
> patchy: lots of articles from 1977, then almost nothing until a whole fleet
> of articles in 1998, then almost nothing again until 2007.  Your article
> must have fallen into one of these coverage holes.
> Either that, or it's THE MAN suppressing the research needed to cure cancer
> and the common cold, and build a car that runs on water...
> :)
> - Matt
> --
> Matthew Franklin, Ph. D.
> Senior Research Scientist
> New York Structural Biology Center
> 89 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10027
> (646) 275-7165

Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program
email: j-kell...@northwestern.edu

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