The programme is now available for this CECAM Collaborative Scientific Software 
Development meeting, sponsored by CCP4 and WeNMR. 

Please register at:

Monday 21st May Chair: Dave Stuart 

1300 Alexandre Bonvin 
Incorporating low resolution data into the modelling of macromolecular 
assemblies using HADDOCK 
1400 Johannes Soeding 
Using the HH-suite software for sequence searching and homology modelling 
1500 Coffee 
15:15 Michael Habeck 
Integration of structural data using Bayesian inference 
16:15 Marco Biasini 
Getting more Biology into Homology Models 

Tuesday 22nd May  Chair: Keith Wilson 
0900 Mark Sansom 
Multiscale Simulations for Membrane Proteins 
1000 Geerten Vuister 
Large-scale analysis, validation and computation of NMR-derived biomolecular 
structures: lessons for integrative approaches 
1100 Coffee 
11:15 Steve Brewer, EGI 
Integrated e-infrastructure for integrated software for integrated structural 
biology: defining the roadmap for collaboration 
12:15 Lunch 

Chair: Martyn Winn 
1300 Victor Lamzin 
1400 Arwen Pearson 
1500 Coffee 
15:15 Jose Maria Carazo 
16:15 Antonio Rosato 
Integrated Use of Paramagnetic NMR and X-ray for Structural Biology 

Wednesday 23rd May 
Chair: J-M Carazo 
0900 Torsten Herrmann 
The UNIO suite for automated liquid and solid-state NMR structure determination 
1000 Gerard Kleywegt 
the wwPDB/PDBe plans for deposition, annotation and validation of X-ray/NMR/EM 
1100 coffee 
11:15 Ernest Laue 
Epigenetic inheritance: Structural studies of Chromatin assembly/disassembly 
12:15 Lunch 

Chris Morris
Tel: +44 (0)1925 603689  Fax: +44 (0)1925 603634
Mobile: 07921-717915
Skype: chrishgmorris
Daresbury Lab,  Daresbury,  Warrington,  UK,  WA4 4AD

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