Hi Kalyan,

If you are unable to read the .res file then I suspect that you had and END without an HKLF. Thanks to Tim this problem has been fixed now (r4161) if you're feeling adventurous.

As for the PDB file, yes indeed, Coot will choke if you try to feed it atoms without residue names.

Some of the Coot tools depend on standard residue names, this maybe why things are not working for you (devil's in the details).


On 07/05/12 10:06, Tim Gruene wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Dear Kalyan,

the reason why you cannot read in the .res-file is that you don't have
RESI-cards. They are required by coot.

For the same reason your PDB-file does not contain any information
that would allow coot to refine the coordinates.

As far as I know coot does not create restraints from the .res-file,
hence you need to give your structure residue names for which
cif-files exist with constraints.

However, I since you are working on such a small structure at atomic
resolution I suggest you use Christian Huebschle's shelxle instead of
coot as GUI for shelxl refinement.

You find it at


On 05/07/12 05:38, Kalyan wrote:
Hi George:

I am facing the same problem reading .pdb file generated from
shelxl in coot. I have tried inserting the space group name in the
CRYST1 record but still unable to read the file. COOT is able to
read the .res and .fcf file and I can see the map but COOT is not
allowing me to build the molecule from .res file. I am trying to
refine the solution obtained from direct methods using SHELXS. What
are the parameters that I need to change in the .res or .pdb file
to be able to modify and build the molecule in the first place. Do
I have to replace 'Q' with 'C' or some other changes, and then how
will I connect the atoms in COOT? The appearance of the part of the
.pdb file is shown below (space group name is manually inserted).

CRYST1   21.139   51.900   31.090  90.00 104.69  90.00 P 1 21/a 1
1 SCALE1      0.047306  0.000000  0.012400       0.000000 SCALE2
0.000000  0.019268  0.000000       0.000000 SCALE3      0.000000
0.000000  0.033251       0.000000 ATOM      1  S1          0
-0.215  21.413  10.717 1.000  4.73 ATOM      2  S2          0
0.551  21.040  12.581 1.000  4.64 ATOM      3  S3          0
1.526  18.258   7.542 1.000  5.05 ATOM      4  S4          0
0.802  16.539   8.374 1.000  4.95 ATOM      5  S5          0
11.171  22.546   8.376 1.000  5.35 ATOM      6  S6          0
9.747  22.514   6.903 1.000  5.85 ATOM      7  Q2          0
-1.517  23.108  -2.742 1.000  0.41 ATOM      8  Q3          0
-5.977  20.216  -0.493 1.000  1.03 ATOM      9  Q4          0
13.309  15.857  11.911 1.000  1.63 ATOM     10  Q6          0
-2.030  15.341   9.819 1.000  2.42 ATOM     11  Q7          0
0.489  22.190   6.739 1.000  2.46 ATOM     12  Q8          0
-1.247  24.612   5.096 1.000  2.29 ATOM     13  Q9          0
4.588  21.769  11.905 1.000  2.41 ATOM     14  Q10         0
-3.731  19.433  12.713 1.000  2.78 ATOM     15  Q11         0
7.498  18.251   9.847 1.000  2.39 ATOM     16  Q12         0
3.703  20.519   8.595 1.000  2.22 ATOM     17  Q13         0
0.926  24.359  15.407 1.000  2.33



- -- - --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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