Hi Sonali,

You could try wide-search MR:

Best of luck,


On 20 June 2012 19:13, sonali dhindwal <sonali11dhind...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I am working on a protein for last so many years and for which i have got
> crystal now in a tray which i kept 1 years ago. It diffracts well and
> resolution is 2.2A, which is good.
> I indexed in HKL2000, mosflm and automar and it shows P21 space group in
> all data reduction packages. But when I tried using molrep or phaser then I
> do not get any solution. The sequence of my protein is having  46% identity
> with other available crystal structure.
> Also when I tried to get matthews coffecient, it calculates its molecular
> mass less ( about 35 kDa) than which should be (original 54kDa) with
> solvent content 47%.
> I have also run the silver staining gel of the protein which contained
> crystal that shows about 45 kD protein band which is 10 less than the
> original.  Also I tried to run gel on crystal but it did not give anything
> as it was a small crystal.
> I have tried all combinations of the search model and tried to break
> available pdb many ways to make different search models but have not got
> any good solution. Molrep gives contrast even 10 or more but no good
> electron density map yet. Free R and figure of merit becomes 52% and 42%
> respectively in Refmac with all the solutions.
> I will highly appreciate all the suggestions for this kind of problem.
> Thanks and regards
> --
> Sonali

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