Sorry for the slew of offtopic posts, but does anyone here have any experience repacking the large 120mL Superdex75/200 columns? Any advice/tips on doing it? I've got an older column that's gotten clogged while washing w/NaOH (can't go over 0.1mL/min w/o getting overpressure alarm), and not sure the bossman would be thrilled w/buying another column.

There is really nothing special or magical about Superdex or Pharmacia columns. Good gel-filtration column packing can be tricky but it's been done well decades ago and can still be done today.
Things to keep in mind:

1. De-fine the matrix before packing.
2. Strictly vertical column, no local heating from one side.
3. Lowering surface tension helps packing ==> add 0.05-0.1% Triton X-100.
4. Prevent electrostatic repulsion of beads through residual charges ==> use 100-200 mM NaCl in packing buffer.
5. Avoid particles sorting by size ==> have slurry that is about 65-70% matrix
6. Avoid discontinuities whenever possible ==> use packing reservoir if possible and pour definite excess of the matrix. 7. Avoid bubbles like plague ==> degas the slurry and packing buffer before pouring, pour in one nice careful motion, over a glass rod inserted inside (letting the slurry slide on it down rather then dropping and making bubbles). Do not allow sedimentation - connect to pump and start packing ASAP. 8. Pack at as high flow rate as possible ==> use absolute maximum that the matrix is spec'ed for (andthe column, of course; for Superdex prep grade it means using medium pressure columns). Pack until matrix level no longer changes. 9. Pay extra attention inserting an upper adapter without bubbles - right to the top of the matrix. Pack until matrix level no longer changes, always moving the adapter down to the matrix. 10. Compress the column: *slowly* (in several stop and go steps of compressing/running buffer through) compress by moving an upper adapter down by a total ~ 2-3% of the column height.

- Dima

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