Dear Tianlong, 

You have probably crystallized a contaminant. You can check to see if your unit 
cell has been seen before in the pdb with this service from Robert Esnouf at 

or apply to do a "wide search" whole pdb molecular replacement with up to 
100,000 jobs

In the past I have used the WS-MR to save a lot of time, as my hot crystals 
turned out to be not so hot after all.


Dr. James W. Murray
David Phillips Research  Fellow
Division of Molecular Biosciences
Imperial College, LONDON
Tel: +44 (0)20 759 48895
From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Tianlong Zhang 
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 5:46 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] off-topic:a dataset from a polluted sample

Dear all,

Recently we obtained a dataset and processed it to 1.9 A in P6 (for a/b/c: 
49.6, 49.6, 65.3) which suggested there were about 100 amino acids in per AU. 
Our protein is about 50kDa for a protein complex and expressed in Hi5 cell. 
Therefore, we dissolved several crystals for N-terminal sequencing and the 
sequence is totally different from the complex. We suggested that this data set 
was for a protein from Hi5 cell. Furthermore, the signals of the sequencing 
were a little weak for determining the protein sequence by blast. I'm looking 
forward for your suggestions.

Enclosed pleased find the the sequencing result.

Thanks very much!
Best regards.

Tianlong Zhang

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