How critical is stereo visualization for you?  Macs are great with Zalman, but 
have fallen behind (again) with active stereo (ie. shutter glasses).

I will disclaim that I haven't revisited stereo visualization in about 1 year 
so my info is dated.



From: Jacob Keller 
Reply-To: Jacob Keller 
Date: Thursday, August 9, 2012 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Various OSes and Crystallography

Are there no closet windows-users on this list to respond? Shall we have a 
coming-out day?

Question--do macs have multiple-button mice? Last I checked they had only one 
button, which seemed almost criminal.


On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Quentin Delettre 
<<>> wrote:
Le 09/08/2012 16:58, Nat Echols a écrit :

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 6:55 AM, Jacob Keller
<<>> wrote:
one. Are there any really reasonable arguments for preferring Mac over
windows (or linux) with regard to crystallography? What can Mac/Linux do
that windows cannot (especially considering that there is Cygwin)? What
wonderful features am I missing?
Mac vs. Linux: mostly a matter of personal preference, but I agree
with Graeme.  Most programs run equally well on either - with Coot a
partial exception, apparently due to problems with the X11
implementation (but once you get used to these, it's not a big deal).

Windows, on the other hand, simply doesn't support the full range of
modern crystallography software.  And in my experience, it has
crippling flaws that mean some programs will always work better on
Mac/Linux.  I wouldn't ever endorse trying to use Windows for serious
scientific computing unless you need to run an application that won't
work on any other OS, and as far as I know there isn't a single
(macromolecular) crystallography program that falls into this


I have seen that in the last Mac Os, X11 have been removed... But can still be 
used with some package installation.

Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program

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