On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 7:44 AM, Jacob Wong <jacob.j.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all, I have this (3.0 A) structure that has 8 molecules per ASU -
> Phaser was able to find 7 molecules correctly, but not the last one, as
> indicated by the .sol file (TFZ=5.1) below and the resultant density map. I
> tried to delete the entry of the last molecule and give the truncated .sol
> file for another round of MR but Phaser returned with the same solution that
> has the 8th molecule misplaced. I am tempted to place the 8th molecule by
> hand but before that would like to learn from you a better way of handling
> it. One thing I could think of is to refine/rebuild the partial structure
> with the 7 molecules so as to resolve any potential packing clashes due to
> model/structure variations and then let Phaser find/position the 8th one for
> me, but it appears that Phaser doesn't accept .pdb file for a "MR with
> partial solution" routine? Thank you, Jacob

You can flag an input ensemble as a solution at the origin:

SOLU ORIG ENSE ensemble1

So I think you need specify the rebuild/refined 7-molecule PDB file as
ensemble1 with the extra keywords, then another monomer (taken from
the rebuild structure, of course) as ensemble2, and search for 1 copy
of ensemble2.  (Working from memory here, it's been a while since I've
actually run this.)


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