Hello all,

I've followed with interest the discussions here about how we should be 
refining against weak data, e.g. data with I/sigI << 2 (perhaps using all bins 
that have a "significant" CC1/2 per Karplus and Diederichs 2012).  This all 
makes statistical sense to me, but now I am wondering how I should report data 
and model stats in Table I.  

Here's what I've come up with: report two Table I's.  For comparability to 
legacy structure stats, report a "classic" Table I, where I call the resolution 
whatever bin I/sigI=2.  Use that as my "high res" bin, with high res bin stats 
reported in parentheses after global stats.   Then have another Table (maybe 
Table I* in supplementary material?) where I report stats for the whole 
dataset, including the weak data I used in refinement.  In both tables report 
CC1/2 and Rmeas.  

This way, I don't redefine the (mostly) conventional usage of "resolution", my 
Table I can be compared to precedent, I report stats for all the data and for 
the model against all data, and I take advantage of the information in the weak 
data during refinement. 



Douglas L. Theobald
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA  02454-9110


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